Best car Trackers for Your Car!

By: Kris LeSueur   |   10 May 2021

The use of car trackers is becoming more mainstream with the advancement in the device. Car owners might want to track their vehicles for several reasons. High-quality car tracking devices in the affordable range are available to the people searching for the car tracking device. They provide information about the vehicle, like the route it has been traveling on or how much was its stay time or travel time. The information provided by these devices mostly depends on the quality and how advanced it is. Here is a list of a few high-end car tracking devices.


 Americaloc GL300W Mini Portable GPS Tracker

It is one of the most advanced tools. Compared to other tracking devices, it comes a little expensive, but its features make it worth it. This mini portable GPS tracker provides you with a year of history, and its magnetic body offers an excellent camouflage!

Optimus 2.0 GPS Tracker Bundle

This tracking device is also one of the top-notch GPS-based tracking devices. It allows linkage to android and iOS devices, allowing you to access all the diagnostics the device has made on your mobile screen. the twin magnet case steps up the camouflage game

Linxup OBD GPS Tracker 

This is one of the advanced trackers but relatively more affordable. it can be connected to the USB port, making it a convenient and popular option. Being in the USB portal might make it more visible, but it is not easy to differentiate between an average USB and a tracker. It also tracks the drivers' performance and other diagnostics; along with monitoring the location, it notifies you with emails, texts, google maps, and other maintenance aspects. This is one of the best trackers in the market considering price and features.  

 The Mileage Ace GPS Mileage Tracker

Often, car owners lend their car or companies have to keep a check on the drivers' mileage; this mileage tracker is an advanced and up-to-date tracker used by many companies and car owners.

 Spy tec GL300 Mini GPS Tracker

This mini-GPS tracker comes in very handy as it does not demand being plugged in anywhere in the car to be placed at any spot in the car. This device has a two-week battery life, so it needs to be checked!

BrickHouse Security TrackPort OBDII Vehicle Tracker

Based on the GPS, as the others, this vehicle tracker is a very dependable device providing you with a satellite image of your car from its current location. This device does not stop on that and further allows you to access driving details, complete diagnostics of the travel. It has a life-saving feature, the panic button, which immediately calls off an emergency alert on the iOS android or windows device it is connected to! It ensures safety, protection with these high-end features. The emergency feature is what makes it more distinct as compared to other devices.

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