Are Black Cars Really Hotter Than White Cars?

By: Kris LeSueur   |   07 Jan 2019

Many drivers believe that black cars are hotter in the sun and white cars keep cooler. Since our dealership resides in Arizona, we actually hear this all the time at LeSueur Car Company and wanted to find out the answer for ourselves and our customers! Luckily our friends at Auto Trader conducted an experiment that tested this theory. To watch the video, click here or continue reading to learn the results!

Are Black Cars Hotter Than White Cars? 

Essentially, Auto Trader took two nearly identical vehicles, one white and one black, and let them bake in the hot sun. When they measured the interior temperature after a few hours, they discovered the theory rang true. The black car's cabin measured a scorching 130 degrees Fahrenheit, while the white car's interior registered only 113 degrees.

They also decided to try answering a different question: Which one cools down faster once the air conditioning is cranked? Once again, they broke out the thermometer and discovered that the interior of the white car cooled to 84 degrees after 10 minutes, while the black car was still at 91 degrees.

Based on their test, it's safe to assume the color of your car can indeed have an impact on your comfort in the summer heat, with black cars heating up quicker -and cooling down slower - than white ones. If you’re interested in purchasing a white or black vehicle, or any vehicle at all, please view our inventory!

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