3 Reasons Not To Lease

By: Kris LeSueur   |   12 Oct 2017

Turn on your TV, and you’ll see the commercials boasting about low payments for brand new cars. Leasing a new vehicle can seem like a great way to get a quality car for a low monthly payment; however, this option has a lot of hidden undesirable factors that we want you to consider. Continue reading below to learn three reasons not to lease your next vehicle! 

Hefty Down Payments

The television commercials that boast low monthly payments on a leased vehicle in big, bold letters are very misleading. The down payment needed to achieve such low payment rates is often quite a large sum of money and is only portrayed in fine print on the lower left hand screen. Usually thousands of dollars are required to achieve the advertised rate. In a time where money is an issue for many car buyers, we understand finding a couple of thousand dollars down payment can be a challenge. Unfortunately, without the down payment, the monthly payment on a leased vehicle is not going to be the great rate advertised on television. A low down payment on used cars is generally more common.

Mileage Constraints

Leasing companies are also able to advertise low monthly payments due to milage constraints. If you go over the allotted mileage for your contract, you have to pay for them when you return the vehicle. This can add up quickly and can leave you paying thousands of extra dollars when the contract period is over. When you purchase a used vehicle, there are no fees tacked onto the end of your contract. 

No End Reward

Once you pay thousands of dollars over a span of time for a leased vehicle, you leave with nothing. The leased vehicle goes back to the dealer to get cleaned up and resold, and you're left with looking for a new vehicle again! When you buy a used car from LeSueur Car Company, you just have to finish making your payments to  walk away with a great vehicle that is yours to keep or resell! 


In conclusion, at first glance leasing a new car may seem like a great option; howver, it's really a waste of money in the long run. Used vehicles already come with lower sticker prices, which mean lower monthly payments. 

Don’t get sucked into the lease trap because you’re trying to save on your monthly payment. Browse our inventory here or come to LeSueur Car Company to learn how we can get you into a quality vehicle you can afford, without tricks behind the fine print! 


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